• synomexindia@gmail.com
  • +91 89680-75011

Project Overview

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) the most common crop is a member of the Poaceae family. It is the world’s second-most important grain crop and world’s most important staple food, providing the majority of people’s protein needs.

It is an important cereal crop that provides humans and animals with plenty of nutritious calories.

Let’s take a look at nutrition of wheat crop, what wheat crops needs in a field.

The Wheat crop grows best in clay loam or loam soils with good structure and moderate water holding capacity.

During land preparation, add 200–250 mL of Bio-NPK per acre with FYM or a soil drench into the soil to solubilize or mobilize the essential nutrients in the soil.

For seed treatment, use 5-8 g of Trichoderma viride and Pseudomonas fluorescens per kg of seed. These Bio-Fungicide reduce the chances of a pathogen attack.

During germination, apply 200–300 g of Crop Tiger via foliar application. The uniquely formulated Crop Tiger enhances the growth of the crop by providing essential amino acids and vitamins. Along with Crop Tiger apply 500 ml of PGR Gibberellic Acid (0.001%) per acre during sprouting.

At tillering stage, apply 250–300 ml/acre of Zinc Oxide 39.5% SC and Liquid Calcium 11% SC. After sowing, apply two applications of Zinc Oxide (39.5% S.C.) and Liquid Calcium (11% S.C.), the first after 30 days and the second after 45 days. These products help in protein and starch production and also boost chloroplast and enzyme production. The Liquid Calcium 11% SC makes calcium available for the plants and boosts plant immunity.

During the flower initiation stage, an application of 200-250 mL/acre of Aminofert Gold is recommended. Aminofert Gold is a great source of nitrogen, amino acids, and carbohydrates.

During grain formation, apply 2–3 g of Aminofert MMF per liter of water. It helps in providing the required nutrients. It is essential for the apical growth of the grain.

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